Bullets & Bourbon: Now Funding on Itch!
Artwork by James Windsor-Smith
You may have noticed a new link appear on the top menu a few days ago directing you to a new project on my itch page. After years of work writing, testing, revising and retesting (and then an entire rewrite and more playtesting) I’ve decided to release Bullets & Bourbon: Reloaded as part of Zine Month 2023!
What is Bullets & Bourbon? It’s a card-based TTRPG where the players taken on the roles of Cowpokes - be they outlaws, law-abiding citizens, bounty killers, treasure hunters. Rather than using dice, each player and the Referee (known as the Dealer) has their own deck of playing cards, including the Jokers. When called upon to participate in a Challenge, wagers are made and hands are played with the high cards winning the day. The game was inspired primarily by Spaghetti Westerns and Dime Novels, although references to all kinds of “Old/Wild West” media can be found throughout the game - not to mention you’ll be free to put your own spin on it.
The rulebook is 36 pages, which includes rules of play (only three pages!), character generator tools, equipment, a Referee section, and twelve pages of encounter and settlement generators and information about the Jefferson Territory! Throughout the rulebook there will be art by collaborators new and old, including James Windsor-Smith (previously worked with me on NUKED!), HodagRPG (previously worked with me on NUKED! and Rangers of the Midden Vale), Francesco Accordi, and Perplexing Ruins (previously worked with me on NUKED!)!
I’m also releasing four pamphlets that include a fully written treasure hunting adventure, tools to generate trainers to be robbed (or protected), a bounty with eight high-profile targets, and the rules to create a recurring villain you can drop into your version of the Jefferson Territory. These pamphlets will also include art.
Artwork has been paid for and only a few pieces are awaiting completion. The rules have been written, tested, and rewritten and are awaiting a final pass through for consistency and grammar. The layout is complete. The only thing left is to raise enough money for a modest print run and get the game into the hands of the folks who want to play it! I’m hoping to raise $1,000 to have a little extra money for last minute expenses (Kickstarting Rangers taught me that lesson) and will be keeping the fundraiser going throughout February.
If you choose to back Bullets & Bourbon you’ll immediately receive an ashcan copy of the rulebook, allowing you to play right awayy. For $5 (USD) digital backers will receive PDF copies of the rules and pamphlets while at $15 (USD) physical backers will have copies of the rulebook and the pamphlets shipped to them once a print run has been completed. Distribution will be handled via my site’s store with shipping rates for US, Canada, and Europe to be determined (I’m estimating $5 for US and $10-$20 for Canada and Europe, but I’ll lock those in and make an official announcement closer to shipping time).
Thank you for taking the time to read through this and I hope you consider backing. If you’re on the fence, grab a community copy through itch! I’ll be adding more as sales are made.