Jam Session #14: Sonata for a Cowboy
The Crew finally meets up with Miss Wonderly… and plans their next steps as the Imperial Khanate closes in.

Jam Session #13: The Man We Knew
After harrowing experience at Cyllene Penitentiary the Crew has arrived at the Catapult Station at the edge of Imperial Khanate Space to answer the summons of an old friend…

Jam Session #12: Jailbreak Rock
While Sirius makes a break for it in space, the boys on Cylenne take steps to bust Giovanni Kuklinski out of jail.

Jam Session #11: Requiem for a Brother
The Crew breaks into Cylenne Penitentiary to break a high-value target out.

Jam Session #10: Black Dog Liturgy
The Crew finally meets up with Aurelio Lupo of the Cremisi Family in hopes of settling the score between Sirius and his old friend…

Jam Session #9: Downtown Freestyle
For the first time in way too long, the Crew has some time to themselves to kick back, relax, and enjoy the show…

Jam Session #8: Dunhuang Hustle
With a new ship in their possession, the Crew gets ready to complete the job that brought them to Proteus in the first place…

Jam Session #7: Hard Luck Two-Step
With The Mississippi Queen little more than a smoking heap, the Crew has to figure out how to get the hell off of war-torn Proteus…

Jam Session #6: Canticle in Crimson
The Crew decides to help with some charity work, but all is not what it seems…

Jam Session #5: Fearless Reprisal
The Crew decides to exact a little revenge against Baumbach Pharmaceuticals and make a new friend along the way…