The Ghost, the Serpent, and the Wasteland out now!
My latest novel, The Ghost, The Serpent, and the Wasteland is now available from my store and on Amazon!

NaNoWriMo Update #4 - The Pale Horse
Yet another update about Pale Horse. I’ve officially achieved the word count goal for National Novel Writing Month, but still have quite a ways ahead of me before the story itself is complete.

NaNoWriMo Update #3 - The Pale Horse
Another update about my progress with NaNoWriMo22. I also wanted to talk a bit about music and how it affects my writing.

NaNoWriMo Update #2 - The Pale Horse
With one week under my belt, I wanted to post an update on my experiences with NaNoWriMo this year.

NaNoWriMo Update #1 - The Pale Horse
I’ve decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and will be working on Pale Horse: A Story of the World Hereafter. Wanted to log my thoughts and experiences as I go.

The Ghost, the Serpent, and the Wasteland
I just completed the rough draft of my third novel, which will serve as a prequel to The Long Road and The Minutemen.

A moment of reflective self-indulgence.
Two years ago I self-published my first novel, “The Long Road.” I decided to jot down some notes about my journey as a writer. I hope you enjoy it, should you take the time to read my admittedly self-indulgent post.
The Minutemen - An Update on Book 2
Updates about the status of The Minutemen: A Story of the World Hereafter.