Dungeon ‘23 - Week 17
April (some call it the cruelest month) is finally over and I have reworked the Castle Dungeons a few times. The first one wasn’t so bad, I was only a week in. The second rework happened on, oh… April 23rd… so I spent the entire week redrawing the previous three weeks’ rooms. However, the overall layout of the level is much better now in my opinion and I added some much-needed backstory to the Mad Sorcerer and his Castle. Unfortunately the kitchens in this level didn’t fit anymore, so they’ll be moved to Zone E - The Keep, 1st Floor. I guess all things considered it’s not so bad.
Anyway, with this particular post I put all of the rooms in since there was a decent amount of rearranging (thankfully I didn’t have to rewrite more than a few details). Apologies to those of you who have been keeping up with everything so far this month - you’re going to see some familiar faces and rooms.
With Zone C - The Castle Dungeons complete I’ve finally connected the four levels and put a stop to the wacky out-of-order writing of my dungeon. Moving forward everything will be a bit more sensible and as I playtest with my home group I should be able to stay ahead of them each step of the way.
Oh! As a final little announcement, I began playtesting with my weekly group. I had a lot of fun running them through the first few rooms of Zone A - The Caverns. They encountered (and subsequently murdered most of) a group of goblins, “befriended” the survivor (very originally named “Gorbo”), and made off with a small haul of treasure. As an NPC Gorbo was so much fun to play and his ultimate fate became too humorous to pass up on, so he’s officially been added to the Zone A Random Encounters table!
Anyway, that’s enough rambling for now. I hope you enjoy this level of the dungeon and I’ll see you next week!
Third time’s the charm when it comes to writing and rewriting and drawing and redrawing a dungeon map!
C1 - Processing Chamber
Large chamber with somber blocks, pillars, and vaulted ceilings. A dozen Beastfolk Guards stand at attention, ready to deal with escapees and troublemakers.
Two offices along the north wall where officers process prisoners, one of which belongs to Captain Bragge Holdfast, a beastfolk with the head of a bulldog.
Beastfolk officers work at their desks, dealing with paperwork.
Two benches along the south wall with iron rings to hold chains.
Currently has two prisoners - suspected rebels working for Ember the Imp.
Stairs lead down to B2 - Haborym’s Audience Chamber.
A corridor connects to C12 - Guard Office, with several cells branching off the hall. Guards patrol the cells throughout the day and night.
Beastfolk Guard - STR 10, DEX 9, WIL 12 - HP 4
Sword (d6+1), Mail (1)
- Archaic speech peppered with animal sounds.
- Dressed in ancient livery.
- Try to subdue and capture, not kill, but will take lives if needed. Captured PCs are taken to C3 - Empty Cell in the Castle Dungeons.
C2 - Southern Corridor
Octagonal room with an iron ladder leading up to D14 - Southern Guard Tower.
A trio of Beastfolk Guards keep an eye on the ladder.
C3 - The Hanging Bridge
A massive stone bridge suspended by chains of heavy black metal. Shifts and swings ever so slightly as creatures cross it.
Spans a massive cavern, the “home” of a large dragon (fortunately chained to the floor).
A thick smog lingers around the bridge and the air is filled with what sounds like deep, rumbling thunder (it’s actually the snoring of Zonasabrahascalon the Scourge, who lives in C16 - The Lair of Zonasabrahascalon).
A Beastfolk Guard stands by a lever at each end of the bridge - they can raise or lower it as needed.
C4 - Empty Cell
Fair-sized cell with well-fitted stone blocked for walls. Wrought iron bars and a door with multiple locks keeps the prisoner contained.
Iron manacles mounted on the wall near the entrance for particularly unruly prisoners.
A garderobe (toilet) is built into the corner of the room.
Small, uncomfortable bed for sleeping. Opposite that is a crudely crafted drawer for clothes and approved belongings.
A small, barred “tunnel” is carved in the wall near the ceiling, connecting the cell to its neighbors, allowing prisoners to chat.
This cell is empty, and is likely where any PC that misbehaves and is captured by Beastfolk Knights or Guards will be held.
C5 - Johnny Boy Bones’ Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
Silver bars instead of iron.
This cell contains Johnny “Boy” Bones, an animated skeleton who appears to be able to disassemble and reassemble himself at will.
Seemingly hasn’t come to the conclusion that he could break himself apart to escape from his cell.
Tends to a pet chicken Johnny has taken to calling “Walter.” Walter is a female chicken.
Is a little skittish around Leif, who he claims “looks hungry.” Likes Roger. Neutral toward the other prisoners.
“I just woke up in here one day, and so I guess that’s where I’m meant to be.”
Johnny “Boy” Bones, Skeleton - STR 15, DEX 11, WIL 13 - HP 4
Hammer (d6+1), Mail & Shield (2)*
- Seemingly a simple country… skeleton. Occasionally loses himself in violent situations and goes overboard.
- Amicable enough, often drones on about his time serving in “the Brothers’ War.” Only goal is to be reunited with his “darling Caroline.”
- Happy to follow the orders of the one who frees him. If he dies, Johnny reassembles himself in 2d12 hours and will come looking for his boss.
*While imprisoned, Johnny’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
C6 - Leif Wildeboar’s Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
Silver bars instead of iron.
This cell contains Leif Wildeboar, a self-proclaimed barbarian prince and adventuring hero. Wild-looking creature with clothing made from animal hides.
Doesn’t get too close to the silver bars on his cage and won’t touch them.
Aggressive, though willing to work with the PCs that free him. If friendly, he will warn them about his “curse.”
Believes Johnny and Roger are the work of black magic. Likes Pete. Thinks Tenpiece and Alfor are weak.
“My companions and I stormed this castle in search of treasure. I am the only one left drawing breath.”
Leif Wildeboar (Human Form) - STR 14, DEX 13, WIL 12 - HP 10
Greatsword (d8+2, reach), No Armor*
- Noble and honorable, albeit somewhat uncivilized. Cunning, but not intelligent.
- Fearsome in battle. If he suffers an injury, instead of making a WIL save to remain conscious he must make a WIL save to not transform into his werewolf form. Transforms if there is a full moon, as normal.
- Swears a life debt to the one who frees him, assuming they aren’t a practitioner of “black magic.”
*While imprisoned, Leif’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Leif Wildeboar (Werewolf Form) - STR 16, DEX 15, WIL 8 - HP 10
Claws or Bite (d8), Thick Hide (2)
- Takes half damage from all weapons except those made of silver.
- Wild and savage, attacks the nearest enemy with abandon. Can tell friend from foe, but if he runs out of enemies may attack allies.
- Howls to inspire fear in the hearts of his foes.
- On turns where he didn’t attack or receive damage can attempt a WIL save to return to his human form.
C7 - Tenpiece Brigford née Grimson’s Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
This cell contains Tenpiece Brigford née Grimson, the so-called Beggar Prince - an adventurer and thief. Wears fine, if not somewhat outdated, clothing.
Irreverent and sarcastic. Often tries to get in the last word, but doesn't always succeed.
Mills around in his cell, very bored. Often chats with guards and fellow prisoners.
Always trying to work an angle or make a deal. Will offer his services to the PCs if they’ll free him, but won’t risk his neck on foolish plans.
Seems neutral toward the rest of the prisoners. Thinks Johnny is a little weird and claims Gwen is easily the most dangerous of them.
Has an opinion on the rest of the prisoners, happy to share his “knowledge” if the PCs will free him.
“The skeleton is a simpleton, but seems loyal enough. Probably follows orders well enough, but don’t expect him to think for himself.”
“I don’t trust Leif. He’s savage and he smells like a wet dog. Pretty sure I’ve heard him growling in his sleep.”
“The minotaur seems alright. Doesn’t talk much, but I don’t think he’s a fool. Looks strong as hell.”
“Alfor is the kind of man I’d like to have watching my back. Claims to be handy with a musket. Bit of a fop.”
“I’ve run into golem’s before, but nothing like Roger. His magic seems even more advanced than the shite in this castle.”
“That Gwen is a stone cold killer. Not the kind of woman I want to get on the wrong side of, I’ll tell you that much.”
“My crew and I found this castle on an island and decided to check it out. We got ambushed and I was captured - they retreated. I was pissed, but I get it…”
Tenpiece Brigford née Grimson - STR 12, DEX 13, WIL 13 - HP 8
Grimspalgr (Sword) 1d8+2, Mail & Shield (2)*
- Not a coward, but not brave to a fault either. Happy to fight in battles he thinks he can win.
- Tricked the guards into letting him keep his Prayerbook of Smite as “reading material.” Waiting for the right moment to use it to escape.
- Will work with the people who free him, but only long enough to escape from the castle and find a way back to his home world.
*While imprisoned, Tenpiece’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Smite (Spellbook). Deals 1d6+L damage to a creature within 30 ft. or can enact a defensive, divine effect (such as stunning a monster) for L turns.
Grimspalgr - d8+2 or d10+2 vs Strongest Foe (Martial, Superior)
An ancient longsword that shines with the brightness of sunlight on freshly fallen snow. When drawn, the sword compels its wielder to seek out the strongest enemy in battle and challenge them. Once used in battle, the sword will not allow retreat or surrender - only the defeat of its enemy frees the wielder from this compulsion.
C8 - Petrung Greathorn’s Cell
Fair-sized cell with well-fitted stone blocked for walls. Adamantine bars and a door with multiple locks keeps the prisoner contained.
Iron manacles mounted on the wall near the entrance for particularly unruly prisoners.
There’s no furniture in the room, only a massive pile of straw and blankets making a crude, nest-like bed.
This cell contains Petrung Greathorn, the minotaur. Has fur white as snow with a reddish stripe running along his spine. One massive horn, the second one was broken.
Spends most of his time sitting in his cell, humming to himself.
Listens to the other prisoners’ chatter, but doesn’t join in unless directly addressed. Even then his answers are short.
Neutral toward the other prisoners.
If the PCs befriend them, he’ll tell them to call him “Pete.” Otherwise they can call him Petrung.
“We found the castle in the sky and landed our airship to explore. The crew was overwhelmed, so I covered their retreat. Now I’m here, but Captain Verus will come back.”
Pete the Minotaur - STR 16, DEX 9, WIL 12 - HP 10
Big Bastard (Hammer) (d8+2), Thick Hide (1)*
- A humble, quiet warrior. Charges into battle fearlessly, but not foolishly. Will cover retreats when necessary.
- Quiet, but attentive. Hums to himself when bored.
- If freed, promises to help the PCs get out of the castle, but doesn’t want to explore the full castle.
*While imprisoned, Pete’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Big Bastard - d8+2, reach, heavy (Martial, Superior)
A massive warhammer whose head appears to be made from a rock or meteorite. It radiates a constant low heat and glows dimly like coals in a furnace. When slammed into the ground, all creatures within 10 ft. must make a DEX save or be knocked to the ground and stunned by the shockwave.
C9 - Alfor Cavendish’s Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
This cell contains Alfor Cavendish, a “King’s Rifle.” Has a pet hawk named David, who sits on the desk staring daggers at the door. Alfor himself seems a little beaten down by his capture.
Sings off key battle songs in his cell and draws up maps of the castle he recalls from memory. Judging by the maps he’s explored the Outer Ward and even made his way into the Keep.
Jovial personality, happy to work with the PCs if they free him.
Gets along well with Johnny, a fellow soldier. Thinks Leif and Pete are hulking brutes. Gentlemanly toward Gwendolyn. Dislikes Tenpiece.
“This castle is a most amazing piece of architecture. I signed on with a merchant company to explore it when it arrived outside our city. The rest of the expedition party was slaughtered, so I guess I got lucky.”
Alfor Cavendish - STR 6, DEX 11, WIL 9 - HP 7
Musket (d8, loud), Brace of Pistols (d6, loud), or Axe (d6), Breastplate (1)*
- Brave and gentlemanly, but knows his strengths and weaknesses. Fights from a distance and uses David to scout and harass enemies.
- Has a spellbook in storage and has a basic understanding of magic and the arcane.
- A professional soldier willing to work with his rescuers and follows sensible orders. Not afraid to call out stupid or reckless ideas.
*While imprisoned, Alfor’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Pale Flame (Spellbook). An object you touch glows with a white light, shining as a torch for L hours. Contact with the glowing object causes a chilling pain, while extended contact can cause real harm and even frostbite.
C10 - Roger’s Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
This cell contains Roger, an animated construct of some kind. The other prisoners call him a golem and Roger doesn’t correct them (in reality he is a highly advanced piece of technology - a robot with a fully-formed A.I.).
Seems rather calm and composed in his cell. Happy to chat with the other prisoners, but he’s equally content to remain quiet.
Easy going, amicable fellow. Gets along well with the other prisoners, although he’s aware that Leif thinks he’s some kind of magical monster. Isn’t put off by Gwen’s intensity.
“This place is right out of the history books, huh? Not sure how I’m going to get back to my own world though…”
RG-3R, a.k.a. “Roger” the… Golem? - STR 12, DEX 14, WIL 15 - HP 6
Twin “Magic Pistols” (d8+2), Metallic Hide (1)*
- Polite fellow, speaks with a drawl. Very meticulous and organized.
- Very intelligent, but doesn’t talk much about where he’s from since he knows folks wouldn’t understand what the hell he’s going on about.
- Will work with the PCs if they free him. Doesn’t foresee getting back to his own home, so he’s willing to explore the castle fully in case there’s something that can prove him wrong.
*While imprisoned, Roger’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Twin “Magic Pistols” - d8+2 (Martial, Superior)
A pair of polished revolvers with lots of wires and glowing bits. Fires bright glowing green energy that will burn flammable items. Highly accurate and suffers no significant risk when firing into melee or attacking adjacent enemies.
C11 - Gwendolyn Erlking’s Cell
As C4 - Empty Cell, except as follows:
This cell contains Gwendolyn, a rugged woman with silver hair and violet eyes. The other prisoners don’t speak with her much, which she does not seem to mind.
Spends most of her time meditating or exercising and practicing martial arts.
Not exactly warm and friendly, but she’s not impolite - merely curt and unwilling to put up with nonsense.
“This castle is the home of many a foul beast that need to be put down.”
Gwendolyn Erlking - STR 13, DEX 13, WIL 13 - HP 6
Witchbane (Sword) 1d8+2, Mail (1)*
- Reserved and quiet, distant and cold. Rarely speaks, never raises her voice.
- Courageous and willing to throw herself in front of any foe. Seemingly without fear.
- Understands magic and possesses a spellbook of her own, but not overly knowledgeable on the subject.
- Trained monster hunter with an encyclopedic knowledge of all manner of man and beast. Wants to rid the castle of its more monstrous inhabitants.
*While imprisoned, Gwen’s gear can be found in C12 - Guard Office.
Witchbane - d8+2 (Martial, Superior)
A simple looking weapon whose spine glows with runes in the presence of magical creatures. Any creature struck by this blade is treated as being in danger and must make a WIL save to avoid mishaps when casting their next spell.
Beast Senses (Spellbook). One of your senses is amplified, granting you greater awareness of your surroundings for L hours. However, you take on the traits of a creature known for this enhanced sense, and you are susceptible to pain or discomfort regarding that sense (ex. loud noises or strong scents).
C12 - Guard Office
Portcullis and iron-bound doors with small hatches allow guards to weather a prison riot.
Sturdy bench with iron loops on floor to hold prisoners awaiting cell assignment or execution.
Weapon racks on the northern wall - mostly clubs and other bludgeoning implements. Officers’ desks along the southern wall.
2d6 Beastfolk Guards on duty.
1d4 Beastfolk Officers carrying out administrative tasks.
1d2 Prisoners chained to the bench, awaiting cell assignment.
Northwest door, locked, leads to a bunk room.
Southwest door, locked, leads to the armory/evidence room.
The gear, both magical and mundane, from prisoners is stored here - if PCs are imprisoned, they can try to recover their gear here as well.
The equipment confiscated from the prisoners in C5 - C11 is stored here. In addition to items listed in their rooms, each prisoner had 1d4 rations, 2d12 gold coins, and three mundane adventuring items (tools, rope, packs, etc).
Officers’ desks contain journals and notebooks, primarily day-to-day operations of the prison.
The office in charge here is Lieutenant Purkoy Ringwood, a beastfolk with a mastiff’s head.
A fancier looking journal contains information about Zonasabrahascalon, the dragon imprisoned in C16 - The Lair of Zonasabrahascalon. Indicates that the dragon was captured and imprisoned by Ossifrage to serve as an “insurance policy” against Haborym, although it’s unclear if the intention is to use the dragon as a weapon or as a replacement source of energy.
Beastfolk Officer - STR 11, DEX 9, WIL 13 - HP 5
Sword (d6+1), Mail (1) & Shield (1)
- Archaic speech peppered with animal sounds.
- Dressed in ancient livery with a pin denoting their rank.
- Issues orders to nearby guards but leads from the front.
C13 - General Population
[19 cells, 16 with 1d2 inmates. (Feel free to use stat blocks for any vaguely intelligent, vaguely humanoid creatures as desired/needed.)
Two pairs of Beastfolk Guards patrol the central corridor, prodding unruly prisoners with the butts of their spears.
One pair of Beastfolk Guards stands at the entrance way, which boasts a locked door.
C14 - The Halls of Inquisition
Consists of three chambers, each guarded by a pair of Beastfolk Guards wearing executioner’s hoods.
Westernmost chamber is operated by Franz, a lizard-headed Beastfolk Inquisitor. Handles the interrogations of those rumored to be allied with the Great Demon Haborym.
Contains a torture rack and two sets of manacles set in the wall. A small furnace in the southeast corner fills the room with a terrible heat and keeps branding irons at the ready for more resistant prisoners.
Central chamber is operated by Jan, a raven-headed Beastfolk Inquisitor. She handles the interrogations of those rumored to be allied with the Gardener.
Contains a pit 12’ deep, often filled with runoff water from the Forges below or liquefied waste. A spike-filled iron maiden stands in the southeast corner of the room, across from which is a single set of iron manacles on the wall.
Easternmost chamber is operated by Ketch, a rat-headed Beastfolk Inquisitor. He handles those who have attempted to invade the castle (e.g. adventurers) to determine if they are vanguards for larger forces.
Contains a stockage and a weapon rack of various whipping implements. A heavy wooden chair with leather straps dominates the center of the room, facing a rack of cages filled with half-starved rats.
One rat, Mimbo, is intelligent and can speak. Used to be a wizard’s familiar, but his wizard died. Is happy to serve as someone’s familiar if they rescue him.
Beastfolk Inquisitor - STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 13 - HP 5
Torturer’s Tools (d6+1), No Armor
- Prefer to wail on the helpless, inflicting maximum pain while keeping their target alive.
- Always trying to wrangle a confession from the “guilty.”
- Will usually try to run from a fair fight.
C15 - Locked Corridor & Feeding Chamber
A massive, iron-bound door and portcullis is guarded by a pair of Beastfolk Knights. They allow none to pass without the written permission of Syr Waltheof FitzAllen.
Beyond the doors is a pitchblack stairwell leading north and down to an adamantine cage with a single gate made from the same metal.
Prisoners sentenced to death (or accidentally killed during interrogation) are brought down here to be fed to the dragon Zonasabrahascalon.
Guards never stay to watch, fearing that the dragon’s appetites will center on them.
Beastfolk Knight - STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 13 - HP 6
Sword (d6+1), Plate (2) & Shield (1)
- Archaic speech peppered with animal sounds.
- Finely crafted but antique armor.
- Fights honorably and to the death unless offered surrender. Will issue dueling challenges.
C16 - The Lair of Zonasabrahascalon
A massive cavern with towering stalagmites. The ceiling is shrouded in darkness, with only the tips of hanging stalactites visible. C3 - The Hanging Bridge is barely visible in the perpetual haze lingering above. Burned and charred remains of executed prisoners can be seen scattered across the cavern floor.
The air is filled with the snores of Zonasabrahascalon, who slumbers unless awakened for a feeding. Smoke trickles from his nostrils, rising and joining the smog above.
The cavern is filled with all mountains of treasure piled throughout, easily enough for someone to retire (if they can figure out how to get away with it).
2,000,000 gp in gold, gemstones, and jewelry - some laying around and others in chests (opened and closed, locked and unlocked).
1,000,000 gp in art (statues, statuettes, portraits, tapestries).
1,000,000 gp in fine silks and clothing.
2d4 spellbooks (Feel free to use your favorite old school spellbooks, as in the AASB rules).
Foehammer and Shield of Dragon’s Bane (see below).
If Zonasabrahascalon is alive, roll for hazards - he wakes up on a roll of 1 or 2.
A perceptive PC may notice the carving of runes on the floor. Close inspection reveals it is a magical circle of some kind.
Extended study and translation indicates that it’s a teleportation circle. If the circle is translated and read, it allows the reader to transport all objects and living creatures within the circle to a location of their choice (on the same plane), as if casting a spell, although it takes 10 minutes to cast. The “caster” must make a WIL save to avoid a magical mishap that sends the contents of the circle to a random location instead.
Zonasabrahascalon’s Horde wears a golden collar encrusted with gemstones and covered in runes - easily worth 10,000 gp on its own. The collar renders the dragon feral and under Ossifrage’s direct control.
A thick, adamantine chain runs from a loop in the collar to a massive spike driven into the center of the cavern - the chain is long enough to allow Zonasabrahascalon to freely roam around the cavern, although it can’t fly above the bridge.
A key to the collar can be found in Ossifrage’s tower.
Zonasabrahascalon the Scourge - STR 18, DEX 14, WIL 16 - HP 30
Claws (d10+2), Tail (d12+2), Bite (d8+2), & Scales (3)
- An ancient and powerful dragon from an unknown realm, long ago captured by the Mad Sorcerer Ossifrage.
- Wise and clever, but proud and exceedingly vain. While wearing Ossifrage’s Collar, however, he has been rendered bestial, feral, and utterly under the sorcerer’s control.
- When he bites, will attempt to swallow whole - creatures trapped in his stomach will die from acid burns and suffocation within minutes.
- Exhales a cone of fire, dealing 5d6 damage unless avoided. So hot is the breath that metal glows, stone melts, and wood and cloth burns. Recharges on a 4+ (d6 roll).
- Any creature that beholds the dragon must make a WIL save or be terrified for 1d4 turns, during which time they cannot approach the dragon and any attacks or saves involving the dragon are made at disadvantage.
Shield of Dragon’s Bane
This polished orichalcum shield bears the sigil of a knight slaying a dragon. It provides armor 2 and if the holder interposes the shield between themselves and the dragon they are immune to any breath weapons and fear-inspiring auras utilized by the foul beasts.
Foehammer - d8+2 (Martial, Superior, Two-Handed)
A warhammer forged from a gold-colored metal and covered in dwarven runes. It glows with the light of a forge whenever a goblin, orc, or giant is nearby - the brighter the glow the greater their number or strength. Deals d10+2 damage to goblins, orcs, and giants.
C17 - Infirmary
Broken into two rooms - an “office” and the infirmary proper.
Office boasts a desk where two nurses sit, ready to take in and treat patients.
Appear humanoid, but close observation shows stitch marks and patchwork skin tones - flesh golems.
A bench is built into the northern wall of the office for patients to wait to see one of the nurses. South wall has two shelves/cabinets with basic medical supplies.
Beneath the bench is a trap door, noticeable by the lack of dust. It descends 5 ft. into a dirt corridor that stretches to C18 - Western Catacombs.
The second room contains a half-dozen beds for sick prisoners to rest. Cold, hard, and uncomfortable.
Hidden beneath the northernmost bed is a trap door that descends 6 ft. into a dirt corridor that stretches north to C30 - The Kitchen Pantry.
Golem “Nurse” - STR 13, DEX 9, WIL 10 - HP 4
Unarmed Strike (d6), Reinforced Skin (1)
- Attempts to subdue rather than kill.
- Immune to cold, poisons, and disease. Healed by electricity. Vulnerable to and terrified of fire.
- Has advantage on all saves made to stay conscious.
C18 - The Western Catacombs
A long corridor with ill-fitting stone walls and floors that have warped and shifted over time. Nine smaller chambers branch off from the north and south walls.
The door to each chamber is engraved and painted with an image of the knight or hero interred beyond.
Inside each chamber is a stone sarcophagus containing the embalmed remains of an ancient Knight of the castle.
A plaque or journal accompanies each sarcophagus, detailing the life and deeds of the person contained within.
The sarcophaguses are each carved in runes - a character with arcane knowledge can translate these runes into spells of reanimation: the ancient heroes will rise up if the castle if called by Ossifrage or if there is an attempt to plunder the tombs.
Inside each sarcophagus is a body, containing many fine possessions the creature had in life (weapons, armor, clothes, etc.), including necklaces and rings worth 500 gp.
Eastern double doors connect to the interment chamber.
Undead Beastfolk Knight - STR 14, DEX 8, WIL 6 - HP 10
Sword (d6+1), Plate (2) & Shield (1)
- Silent, except for a slight creaking of the joints.
- Finely crafted but antique armor.
- Will mindlessly attack the nearest creature unless given orders by a necromancer.
- Automatically succeeds on all saving throws made to remain conscious, but vulnerable to fire.
C19 - The Interment Chamber
A large room with stone walls and a vaulted ceiling. A fresco of Ossifrage in his prime dominates the northern wall, depicting him as a powerful sorcerer and a warlord ruling over a fair kingdom. Darkness and stormclouds gather on the horizon.
Several stone slabs are situated throughout the room, as are large braziers that burn incense, filling the air with hot, scented air. Extended exposure to this air renders a creature drowsy and clumsy, as if lightly intoxicated.
Four masked attendants work on embalming the bodies of deceased beastfolk. They are silent and communicate with one another using complex hand gestures and signs. Their movements are somewhat stiff.
In truth they are constructs created by Dr. Viola Truvas, similar in form and function to the Golem Nurses in C17 - The Infirmary.
While they faithfully carry out their duties preparing the corpses, organs of value to the Doctor aren’t burned, but instead taken to C28 - Operating Room.
The southern wall boasts four standing sarcophaguses, each 12 ft. in height. The second sarcophagus from the east has a false back that leads to a small tunnel connecting to C28 - Operating Room.
C20 - The Eastern Catacombs
A long corridor with ill-fitting stone walls and floors that have warped and shifted over time. Nine smaller chambers branch off from the north and south walls.
The door to each chamber is engraved and painted with an image of the knight or hero interred beyond.
Inside each chamber is a stone sarcophagus containing the embalmed remains of an ancient Mage of the castle.
A plaque or journal accompanies each sarcophagus, detailing the life and deeds of the person contained within.
The sarcophaguses are each carved in runes - a character with arcane knowledge can translate these runes into spells of reanimation: the ancient heroes will rise up if the castle if called by Ossifrage or if there is an attempt to plunder the tombs.
Inside each sarcophagus is a body, containing many fine possessions the creature had in life (weapons, armor, clothes, etc.), including necklaces and rings worth 500 gp.
Western double doors connect to the interment chamber and eastern double doors connect to C22 - Memorial Chamber.
Undead Beastfolk Mage - STR 6, DEX 8, WIL 14 - HP 8
Staff or Athame (d8+1), No Armor
- Silent, except for a slight creaking of the joints.
- Buried with one of their spellbooks (use your favorite list of spells).
- Retained some level of their living intelligence, battles tactically, often focusing on other mages.
- Automatically succeeds on all saving throws made to remain conscious, but vulnerable to fire.
C21 - The “Execution Chambers”
Three locked rooms with heavy ironbound doors. Two levers on the walls next to each door - left lever opens/shuts the door, right level opens/shuts trap doors inside.
Spartan interior, the southern half of the floor is a trap door that drops into C16 - The Lair of Zonasabrahascalon.
Most guards believe these serve as additional execution rooms, but Captain Bragge and Lieutenant Purkoy know that they’re truly used to dispose of Dr. Viola Truvas’s failed experiments.
C22 - Memorial Chamber
A large room with marble walls and floors. Portraits, tapestries, and busts depicting ancient heroes of the castle abound in this chamber, as do gold and silver urns containing the ashes of allies and friends to the castle and sorcerer. Small plaques tell stories of their lives and deeds.
A raised dais in the southeast corner holds a band of animated instruments - violins, upright basses, horns, lutes, harps, etc. They play quietly, giving the room a respectful atmosphere.
Hidden behind a tapestry of Syr Roland Greatsnout on the eastern wall is a secret door - the marble doesn’t quite match the surrounding tiles. Opening the door reveals a massive iron vault door with dozens of locks and hanging chains.
Opening this door leads to Omnibus’s Prison.
If Omnibus was already encountered randomly, this door may already sit open and the Memorial Chamber found in disarray.
Animated Instruments - STR 7, DEX 7, WIL 4 - HP 2
Assorted Points, Edges, etc. (d4), No Armor
- Swarms when able, flees when injured or clearly outmatched.
- Tries to dizzy and disorient foes with sudden bursts of loud music.
- Becomes a mundane (if not high-quality) tool when killed.
C23 - Omnibus’s Prison
Three heavy, iron doors with complex locks bar the way to a medium-sized cavern, a natural ledge by the entrance allows one to peer down into the cave without fear of its inhabitant.
A fetid pond, reeking of sulfur, sits along the eastern wall. The room is dark and incredibly damp.
Home of a lizard-like golem named Omnibus, who spends most of his time below the water. Considered by the Doctor to be her magnum opus.
Bifurcated jaw, four arms, spined tail, dozens of glass “jars” affixed to its back, each containing a brain of different size, shape, and color.
Incredibly intelligent and strong, Omnibus spends most of its time trying to escape from its prison. It's found here if it’s not encountered elsewhere on the level (see Zone C Random Encounters).
Wants to kill Dr. Vitruvas for creating it.
Omnibus - STR 16, DEX 15, WIL 14 - HP 15
Claws (d6+1), Bite (d8+2), Spined Tail (d6+2, reach), Reinforced Hide (2)
- Fights with abandon, seemingly has no care for its own safety.
- Highly intelligent and willing to work with anyone who promises it freedom. Very distrusting and quick to turn on those who it believes have betrayed it.
- Communicates telepathically, sounds like a hundred whispering voices. “Speaks” and understands all languages.
- Can unleash a wave of psychic energy, dealing 3d6 damage unless resisted by those with a strong will. Those who are overcome are also terrified. Recharges on a 4+ (d6 roll).
- Immune to cold, poisons, and disease. Healed by electricity. Has advantage on all saves made to stay conscious.
C24 - The Royal Catacombs
A pair of double doors depicts Ossifrage, a handsome woman, and seven men that each bear a striking resemblance to the sorcerer.
Inside are eight alcoves, each containing a standing sarcophagus crafted from red-gold orichalcum and covered in protective runes that keep it sealed.
Breaking the runes requires powerful magic.
The first, and largest, sarcophagus contains The Lady Vivien, Ossifrage’s beloved wife. She isn’t dead, but instead rests in an enchanted slumber, waiting to be awakened. While clearly ancient, she remains quite beautiful.
The seven remaining sarcophaguses contain Ossifrage and Vivien’s children - Ewain, Galeshin, Hywel, Lambewell, Marhaus, Parzifal, and Sagramor. Like their mother, they are clearly very old and rest in an enchanted slumber, waiting to be awakened by their father.
Lady Vivien, Ewain, Hywel, Marhaus, and Sagramor wear enchanted armor and bear magical weapons (d8+2) while Galeshin, Lambewell, and Parzifal wear amulets (1 armor) and each hold two spellbooks.
Hidden behind the final sarcophagus (Sagramor) is a doorway leading to the Smuggler’s Stash.
Ossifrage’s Family
Ossifrage first met the Lady Vivien when she sought his wisdom while on a quest to slay a mighty foe that terrorized her kingdom. Immediately smitten, Ossifrage offered to travel with her and the pair went on many adventures together before Ossifrage moved his castle to the edge of Vivien’s kingdom where the two ruled together for many years.Ossifrage and the Lady Vivien had seven sons - Ewain, Galeshin, Hywel, Lambewell, Marhaus, Parzifal, and Sagramor. Four of the sons took after their mother and became mighty warriors and knights of great renown while three took after their father and became powerful wizards and sorcerers in their own right.
Unfortunately Lady Vivien was not immortal like her loving husband. Rather than watch his beloved wife die, the sorcerer placed her in an enchanted sleep, buying him time to find a way to make her live forever as he did. When his sons began showing their age Ossifrage did the same to each of them.
With his wife and children kept safe, Ossifrage turned his attention to unlocking the secrets of his own immortality and began traveling through the multiverse in his castle. Some of his servants believe that his inability to awaken his family and gift them with his immortality is what drove him mad, but they remain loyal to their master.
C25 - Smuggler’s Stash
HIdden and locked door, used by Taragon’s crew to hide supplies on this level.
2-in-6 chance of finding 1d2 Beastfolk Thieves hanging out in the room.
A locked chest contains 2d4 rations, a bag of medical supplies, a single potion of healing (restores 1d4 HP) and 500 gp.
Beastfolk Thief - STR 9, DEX 14, WIL 10 - HP 4
Dagger (d6), No Armor
- Swarm at opportune moments, never fight fair.
- Able to squeeze into tight spaces to escape or ambush.
- Always looking to strike a deal.
C26 - The Keep Entrance
A medium-sized chamber containing a large staircase that connects to Zone E - The Keep, 1st Floor.
Guarded at all times by four Beastfolk Knights.
C27 - The Laundry Room
The air is warm and damp thanks to the steam rising up from the four massive wooden tubs.
Six prisoners work tirelessly at each tub, washing clothes under the supervision of Beastfolk Guards. Tucked away beneath each tub are three Furnace Imps, lending their magical fires to the process.
Furnace Imp - STR 6, DEX 12, WIL 9 - HP 6
Burning Fangs (d6, Dex Save or target takes another d6), No Armor
A flaming skull with bat wings, flits about chaotically.
Speaks quickly with a voice that snaps and pops like burning wood.
Turns invisible and flies away if it fears for its life.
C28 - Operating Room
Small room with brass pipes forming a latticework along the northern wall - values ooze a viscous, copper-scented red-gold slime.
The slime is a blood substitute used in the creation of flesh golems.
Operating table with small shelf adjacent. Manacles and chains on the table ready to restrain a “patient.”
Strange metal coils jut out from the southeast corner’s walls, arcing electricity.
Used to animate a flesh golem, can also be used as a weapon in a pinch.
The operating room is overseen by Dr. Viola Truvas, a golem-like creature that appears to be an amalgamation of several different beasts.
Elongated upper body and head of a humanoid creature, vaguely female. Possesses four eyes and a pair of retractable fangs.
Lower body of an insect with scorpion-like stinger.
A set of large, crab- or lobster-like pincers (one large, one smaller).
Two pairs of humanoid arms, each with six fingers that end in sharp, needle-like claws.
Dr. Truvas experiments on the prisoners, turning them into flesh golems. Takes new prisoners each day, bribing Captain Bragge and Lieutenant Purkoy into keeping her presence and experiments secret from Syr Waltheof FitzAllen. Claims she was a former apprentice to Ossifrage.
Most of the castle is only aware of the twin nurse golems.
Her agenda for the time being is purely research - once a creature has been created and studied it’s disassembled and/or fed to Zonasabrahascalon.
Offers to experiment on the PCs - almost never gets willing subjects.
Such experimentation is dangerous, but can result in a powerful boon (see below).
Dr. Viola Truvas - STR 14, DEX 13, WIL 15 - HP 8
Claws (d8), Bite (d6), Stinger (d8+1, reach), Carapace (2)
- Attempts to subdue more than kill, but can always recycle dead flesh for her experiments. Can make an attack with each weapon on her turns.
- Affable, willing to work with others of like mind who want to push the boundaries of science.
- Boasts three separate venoms to use in battle: claws secret a strength-sapping venom, the Stinger injects a paralytic, and the Fangs induce a drunk stupor that leads to unconsciousness. Readily uses all three in battle.
- Immune to cold, poisons, and disease. Healed by electricity. Vulnerable to and terrified of fire.
- Has advantage on all saves made to stay conscious.
Dr. Trivus’s Experimentations
Dr. Trivus is always trying to push the boundaries of science and alchemy. If the PCs wind up as one of her test subjects (willingly or through capture) they may wind up under the knife on her table.
A creature subjected to Dr. Trivus’s surgery must succeed on a STR save - success results in the surgery finishing without issue. Failure means the grafts didn’t take, which could render them crippled or possibly dead, depending on the nature of the surgery. Surgery takes 2d4 hours to complete.
A willing subject may be able to request a specific graft or change, an unwilling subject will likely wind up with a random graft attached to their body (see below).
C29 - Danpei’s Hovel
A simple chamber sparsely adorned with furniture and decoration. Belongs to a wizened vulture-headed beastfolk named Danpei, who tends to the graves - keeping them clean and repairing any cracks in the sarcophaguses.
Danpei is quite forgetful and absent-minded, but kind and hospitable.
Terrified of ghosts and other undead. Dislikes the golems in C19 - The Internment Chamber, but can’t quite place it.
C30 - The Kitchen Pantry
An overflowing pantry that appears at a glance to be disorganized, but Tuntle the Ogress (the castle’s cook) claims to know where everything is.
1-in-6 chance that Tuntle the Ogress, Wifling the One-Eyed Halfling, or Bogill the Bugbear are down here searching for an ingredient for the next feast.
Hidden behind dozens of stacked barrels is a secret door that connects to C17 - The Infirmary.