Dungeon ‘23 - Week 26
I’ve wrapped up Zone F - The Keep, 2nd Floor! I’m stoked with what I’ve got so far, although there’s definitely a few areas that I’d like to revisit once some players get their mitts on it (nothing helps inspire ideas quite like adventurers of questionable sanity, after all!).

Dungeon ‘23 - Weeks 24 & 25
While I didn’t exactly take a week off, I definitely got distracted by some other projects, but I’m back at it with 13 different rooms to make up for lost time. Next week will wrap up the month of June as well as Zone F - The Keep, 2nd Floor, bringing us one step closer to completing The Castle of the Mad Sorcerer Ossifrage!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 23
Week 23 turned out to be a little harder than expected, mostly because I had to do a lot of traveling for work that cut into writing time. But the seven rooms are complete and with only minor delay! A character that’s been teased again and again throughout the dungeon has finally been introduced (not the Sorcerer, sorry if I got your hopes up)!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 22
It’s June already and work on the back half of Dungeon ‘23 has begun! I’m very happy (and a little surprised) that I’ve continued to work on this dungeon for as long as I have, and I hope folks are enjoying what they see in each entry!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 21
Zone E - The Keep, 1st Floor is done! I took some inspiration from the weirdest places and looked at a lot of castle layouts (thanks Google!). Everything is coming together quite nicely and I’m looking forward to designing the next part of the keep. I hope you enjoy!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 20
The end (of May) is nigh and Zone E is quickly nearing completion. Let me know if you find the reference to one of my favorite video games of all time! Enjoy!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 19
Week 19 is a wrap! The rooms this week weren’t overly busy, which is a nice change of pace from both a writing perspective and probably an adventuring perspective. Next week I’ll be getting into the Chapel and the Great Hall, so stay tuned!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 18
After a weird, out of order start I’m back to a more sensible method of dungeon writing. Zone E - The Keep, 1st Floor is underway with some fairly straight forward rooms and the introduction of a new faction (that I didn’t even think of until this week). Hope you enjoy!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 17
Week 17 and April wrap up at the same time (very nice for me) and Zone C - The Castle Dungeons are finally complete! Heads up, I did another rewrite of the level, so I’ve posted the full map and all of the rooms instead of just this week’s work. Apologies for the long read, but I promise it’s got some good stuff!

Dungeon ‘23 - Week 16
I’m a day late, but I promise that the weird stuff that appears in these seven rooms is totally worth it! Added a very interesting NPC that can have a major impact on a party’s exploration of the dungeon.