Dungeon ‘23 - Week 18
That’s a New California Republic flag in the background.
Star Wars Day has come and gone and Week 18 of my ongoing Dungeon ‘23 project has shaped up rather nicely. Way back when I was but a lad (maybe 6 years old) I was gifted a pair of books in the Usborne Starting Point History series. To save my life I couldn’t tell you what the first one was about (maybe cave men?), but I still have What Were Castles For? and I have to tell you, between Zones D, E, and F I will be using this book a lot! For a $5 children’s book it is insanely useful - for example I know the terms “machicolation” (holes in the battlements where castle defenders drop rocks and boiling oil on attackers) and “garderobe” (it’s a medieval toilet, ya’ll) thanks to this book. If you can find a copy online somewhere and you like castles, bright pictures, and things explained to you as if you were six years old it’s a hell of a find.
A second form of inspiration I got that I think will add a very fun angle to the dungeon was a series of portraits at a tattoo studio I visited this week. They all depicted Victorian-era women with big ol’ butterflies obscuring their entire faces. Once I got home from my appointment I started writing about the Courtiers of the Realm of Faerie and their predicament in the castle (they’re trapped and pissed). I’ve always been a fan of the fey and since I was trying to lean into the fairy tale vibes with this dungeon they seemed like an excellent addition.
I did realize I’ll probably have to relocate a room in Zone C - The Castle Dungeons to better line up with the layout of the Keep. As it’s currently written, C30 - The Kitchen Pantry would exist below the Northwest Keep Tower, which wouldn’t make a lot of sense since the kitchen itself will be in the keep. A small price to pay and an easy fix on the map.
That’s enough rambling for now, I hope you enjoy the first few rooms of Zone E - The Keep, 1st Floor!
E1 - Keep Gatehouse
Ironwood door reinforced with adamantine bands. Intricate carvings of Ossifrage and family dominate both sides of the doors.
Can be barred from within.
Opening/closing mechanism on second floor (Zone F).
Narrow corridor leads to E4 - Western Courtyard. A pair of portcullises can be dropped (via levers in E2 and E3), potentially trapping or slowing invaders.
Arrow slits in walls and machicolations in the ceiling allow guards to attack intruders.
Locked and reinforced doors connect to E2 and E3.
2 Beastfolk Guards stand at attention in the corridor, ready to sound the alarm or give directions to visitors as needed.
Beastfolk Guard - STR 10, DEX 9, WIL 12 - HP 4
Sword (d6+1) and Crossbow (d6+1), Mail (1)
- Archaic speech peppered with animal sounds.
- Dressed in ancient livery.
- Try to subdue and capture, not kill, but will take lives if needed. Captured PCs are taken to C3 - Empty Cell in the Castle Dungeons.
E2 - Guard Room
Locked and reinforced door with sliding viewport leads to a small room with weapon racks and a table for on-duty guards stationed at the Gatehouse.
Both doors can be barred from within to slow down invaders.
1d6 Beastfolk Guards on duty at all times, often passing the time with games of chance (liar’s dice being the most popular game).
Lever on the southern wall raises/lowers the first portcullis in the gatehouse corridor. Arrow slits in walls allow guards to attack invaders from relative safety.
E3 - Guard Mess
Locked and reinforced door with sliding viewport leads to a large room with two heavy wooden tables for on-duty guards to eat at during their shifts.
Both doors can be barred from within to slow down invaders.
2d4 Beastfolk Guards on duty at all times, often passing the time with games of chance (games of Tarock being the most popular).
Food is brought to the guards twice per 10 hour shift via servants.
Lever on the northern wall raises/lowers the second portcullis in the gatehouse corridor. Arrow slits in walls allow guards to attack invaders from relative safety.
E4 - Western Courtyard
A large, open space once meticulously maintained by the Gardener (now banished from the Keep). Exotic trees grow throughout and gardens, now somewhat wild from lack of attention, are plotted along the castle walls.
2d4 Beastfolk Guards patrol the courtyard at all times.
Animated tools tend to the gardens and trees.
Servants and guests can often be seen milling about, enjoying the day.
A statue of a mighty looking magic user faces the gatehouse. Similar in appearance to Ossifrage’s depictions elsewhere in the castle, but not a confirmed match. No signage indicating the true identity of the person.
A paved stone path cuts through the courtyard, leading to a humble stone bridge connected to the Eastern Courtyard and the Keep’s inner stables.
A small well is tucked away in the southernmost parts of the courtyard - often used in rituals conducted in the temple.
Ladders along the northern and southern wall allow guards to quickly race to the walls during a siege.
A gazebo made from silver and gold and boasting masterfully worked filigree sets by a stream (fed by a cistern at the top of the North Tower).
Often sitting in the gazebo are The Lady Mayfly and her husband Lord Cember, two members of the Court of Faerie currently “trapped” in the castle. They are often attended by multiple servants they brought with them from the Realm of Faerie.
The Lady Mayfly, Faerie Courtier - A statuesque woman with shimmering, alabaster skin. A large butterfly rests on her face, its iridescent wings obscuring her features seemingly from all angles. She wears a gossamer dress covered in gleaming dewdrops.
Lord Cember, Faerie Courtier - A towering man with features like chiseled marble. A great moth blocks much of his face with its powdery wings. He wears armor of frosted pelts and a cloak of pine needles. On his hip is a crystal-bladed rapier.
While Lord Cember is aloof and disinterested in the PCs (unless one is a noble or vaunted knight), the Lady Mayfly is overjoyed to engage with someone new. She will explain the predicament of her people (see below).
The Lady Mayfly believes that Ossifrage has some method of travel locked away in his tower and hopes the PCs can investigate and bring whatever spell or object they find to her.
“I care not for this castle, certainly not after seven centuries of imprisonment. I just wish to return home with my husband. As for the other courtiers? Hmm…”
Lord Cember will challenge or accept the challenge of an honorable duel with a PC, placing his crystal-bladed rapier on the line if a PC is willing to bet something of comparable value.
Cember, Lord of the Realm of Faerie - STR 12, DEX 13, WIL 15 - HP 6
Crystal Rapier (d8+2), Ice Armor (2)
- Issues challenges of honor, 1-on-1. Standard terms are first to draw blood three times, but interested in hearing other, more “exotic” rules.
- Uses his rapier to amplify his voice when boasting and will disrupt any attempts to cast spells by muffling the speaker.
- Vulnerable to iron weapons. Immune to enchantments that charm, confuse, or lull to sleep.
Crystal Rapier - d8+2 (Superior, Martial)
A slender rapier with a “blade” of pure diamond, an ivory grip, and a silver handguard. When drawn the crystal vibrates, either amplifying or muffling nearby sounds as the wielder wishes.
The Courtiers of Faerie
Seven centuries ago six lords and ladies of Faerie visited the Castle of the Sorcerer Ossifrage at his invitation while it resided in their realm. However, during the visit the castle relocated to another world, leaving the courtiers and their servants stranded. Now they not-so-patiently wait for the castle to return to Faerie, but with Ossifrage no longer appearing at feasts the courtiers grow concerned and are looking for other ways to return home.
The lords and ladies are ostensibly led by Lord Vember and his wife the Lady Gadfly, who spend much of their time with Syr Waltheof FitzAllen, the Castellan of the Castle. While all six courtiers wish to return home, they each have their own schemes and plots, many of which may involve enterprising PCs looking for favors from a fey lord or lady.
E5 - Keep Stables
Ten stables, three of which are empty.
A ladybug the size of a pony. Friendly but dim.
A millipede the size of a horse with four saddles hanging by its gate.
Two pony-sized fuzzy bumblebees.
A praying mantis with the size and disposition of a vicious war horse.
Two grasshoppers seemingly incapable of standing still.
A rickety ladder in the southeast corner of the stable leads to a hayloft packed with feed.
An animated pitchfork, bucket, and wheelbarrow tend to the bugs.
Friendly, offer to stable any mounts the PCs have.
E6 - NW Tower Storage
A large but rather barren room used to store various goods, such as grains, salt, metal ingots, and the like.
Always guarded by a trio of Beastfolk Guards.
1-in-6 chance of a Beastfolk Thief attempting to steal supplies through stealth or straight-up bribery of the guards (2-in-6 chance at night).
Reinforced doors connected to E2 - Guard Room can be barred from within.
Wooden doors (locked) connect to adjoining rooms in the first level of the tower.
Beastfolk Thief - STR 9, DEX 14, WIL 10 - HP 4
Dagger (d6), No Armor
- Swarm at opportune moments, never fight fair.
- Able to squeeze into tight spaces to escape or ambush.
- Always looking to strike a deal.
E7 - NW Tower Stairwell
A winding stone staircase runs along the wall, connecting to Zone F - The Keep, 2nd Floor.
Guarded by a solitary Beastfolk Guard.
Arrow slits in the walls closer to the top of the stairs.