Wolves Upon the Coast - Session #1
With Orbital Blues on pause, my gaming group has decided to try out Luke Gearing’s Wolves Upon the Coast. We’re using T. Thomas Giant’s As Above, So Below system (Refereed by Giant himself).
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 14
Started Zone C - The Dungeons. With Week 14 I’ve created a lot of NPCs that the PCs can interact with (and possibly play as down the road if they meet an unfortunate end).
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 13
Week 13 is done and so is Zone B - The Furnace. I didn’t include the rooms written on Saturday or Sunday since they’ll be part of a different level and shared with Week 14’s rooms.
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 12
Week 12 come and gone. Got to add in another faction for dungeon politics and a very dangerous boss monster!
Announcing: The Dunmør Gazetteer!
A project that I’ve been working on with HodagRPG and T. Thomas Giant for quite some time is finally getting to a point where I’m comfortable sharing it!
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 11
The Furnace Level is coming along nicely! Added a few more “quests/hooks” to get the PCs exploring different parts of the castle and included some dangerous environments.
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 10
Week 10 has come and gone and I’m about a third of the way through Zone B - the Furnace!
Jam Session #14: Sonata for a Cowboy
The Crew finally meets up with Miss Wonderly… and plans their next steps as the Imperial Khanate closes in.
Dungeon ‘23 - Week 9
Work on Zone B - The Forges begins! Figuring out how to fill this level proved to be a creative challenge, but after some conversations with a friend I think I’m on to something good.
Jam Session #13: The Man We Knew
After harrowing experience at Cyllene Penitentiary the Crew has arrived at the Catapult Station at the edge of Imperial Khanate Space to answer the summons of an old friend…